Township of Franklin Fire District #2 (Malaga, NJ)

Board of Fire Commissioners

Upcoming Meeting

Welcome to the Franklin Township Board of Fire Commissioners #2 web site.
Next Meeting will be September 16th 2024 6:00pm Mask are recommended for anyone not healthy


To furnish equipment for the purpose of protecting life and property from fire and other disasters in Township of Franklin, Malaga Fire Company response area. To purchase or otherwise acquire motor vehicles, pumps, ladders, and equipment used in the fighting or prevention of fire and maintain, sell and dispose of the same, to acquire funds with which to rent real estate and buildings situated thereon: to issue bonds, notes or other obligations for money borrowed for such purposes; to have and use a common seal and to have all the rights, powers, privileges, benefits and immunities conferred upon corporations by the act entitled. "An Act Concerning Corporations," approved 1896 with the several acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto.

OPRA Request

Open Public Records Act requests may be made though a completed OPRA Request Form document, hand delivered to the Malaga Fire Company; or mailed to "PO Box 725, Malaga, NJ 08328, Attention Byran Abbott"; or sent via e-mailed to

Contact Us

Board of Fire Commissioners
P.O. Box 725
Malaga, NJ 08328

856-694-9850 (voice)


Regular meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of each month at 6:00pm (18:00) at the Malaga Fire Companay located at 604 W Main Street in Malaga, New Jersey. Get Directions


Notices (updated 22 Dec 2020)

Schedule (updated 22 Dec 2020)

Minutes (updated 20 Aug 2024)

Resolutions (updated 08 Dec 2023)

Budgets (updated 18 Jan 2024)

Audits (updated 16 May 2024)

Regulations (updated 16 May 2022)

Commissioners (updated 16 May 2022)

Services (updated 21 Mar 2024)

attorneys, advisors, consultants, and any other parties that receive $17,500 or more during the fiscal year for any service rendered to the fire district (does not include LOSAP)

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